Well, I guess I'll jump right in!
2020 has been a hell'uva year, am I right?
I took the kids to visit my Mom and Sister over March Break and we watched the news obsessively. Covid 19 was declared a world wide pandemic and no one knew what to expect. Having never lived through something of this magnitude, we were glued to the television to find out what came next. Week two of "quarantine" started the perspective shift within me. I stopped watching the daily news conferences and I embraced the reality that I would be home with my husband and kids for the foreseeable future!
Experiencing this shift collectively forced us to evaluate our health, careers, finances and overall priorities (really). I KNEW my kids were not going back to school in 2 weeks, I KNEW that I would not be immediately returning to my job in customer service, and I held space for an incredible transformation to begin in my life.
Evaluating the prospective future I asked myself... "how will you, AMANDA, make the most of this figurative time out?"

To start, I set aside personal development time, everyday. I read new books, meditated longer than ever before, journaled and dove deeper into personal tarot/oracle reading. I was being drawn to other spiritual resources and accounts and enrolled in a few seminars to strengthen my skills. I then discovered my ability to connect to past lives and the Akashic Records. Things were unfolding rather quickly ... so I said f*ck it!
What better time to come out of the spiritual closet than now?!?! lol
April - I launched my instagram account and started taking energy reading seriously as a business. This has been such a blessing for me and my family during this time! I am able to work from home, help others, grow my skills and homeschool my kids.
I was so nervous to jump in but I KNEW that I could be of service to others (especially during this transition) and that truly fuelled me. I'm so grateful for the conversations I have had with many of you and the new relationships I'm building!
Going forward, I'm so excited to expand my repertoire and having a website is going to launch me into my next chapter. I have found scheduling appointments, replying to DM's and managing my own energy a little challenging, as of late. Thankfully, the website will help me streamline my booking and payment options as well as give me a platform to share more of myself.
If you have read this far, THANK YOU; your support in so special to me!
Let me know in the comments if there is something specific you would like to see from me going forward, I'd love some feedback.
Chat soon,